AI Reports

Bespoke reports for your business

OUR REPORTSWelcome to our AI Report Service!

A simple process with powerful results

We are excited to offer you our expertise to help you make the most of artificial intelligence in your business. With the rapid advancements in AI technology, it can be challenging to stay up-to-date and effectively implement these tools in your operations. That’s where we come in.

We can help you deepen your understanding of the latest trends and best practices in the industry so that you can maximise your efficiency and profits. 

By working with us, you’ll gain access to a wide range of benefits. You’ll receive expert guidance on the most effective AI tools and technologies for your business, ensuring that you’re investing in solutions that deliver results. We can also provide ongoing support to ensure that your team is ready to fully leverage these tools.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to take your business to the next level with the power of AI. Choose the level of detail and analysis you need from the list of three custom reports below, and we will send you a unique link to a questionnaire so we can get started!

Value for money
Quick turnaround
20+ page pdf report





Let's work together

A quick questionnaire is all it takes

Welcome to AI FastStart! We are excited to offer a quick an easy way to help you make the most of artificial intelligence in your business. With the rapid advancements in AI technology, it can be daunting to stay up-to-date and know how to effectively implement these tools. That’s where we come in.

We have created three report formats to give you:

An understanding of the latest trends and best practices to start using AI tools effectively

A customised set of AI recommendations for tools and services that meets your objectives as a business

Breakdown of pros and cons for each tool, including costs, based on your responses to our questionnaire.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to take your business to the next level with the power of AI. Scroll down to choose the report you want and order today.

'Get Started' Report
With one questionnaire, quickly get all you need to get value from AI
  • Suitable for those just starting their AI journey
  • No tech knowledge needed
  • 2 tools recommended in 2 business areas
  • For individuals, small and medium businesses
  • One report with key recommendations, best practice and guidelines on use, so you can get started straight away
'Deeper Dive' Report
Everything in the 'Get Started' Report, plus more detailed analysis
  • More in-depth analysis of tools available
  • How to get best value from AI and save money on business operations
  • 3 tool recommendations in 3 business areas of your choice
  • Recommendations and guidelines on using AI safely, our 'test and learn' methodology
  • Option of follow up call to further fine tune recommendations
'Bespoke AI Tools' Report
For businesses who want custom advice and support
  • Personalised consultation
  • Working with you in a series of steps to integrate AI into your business
  • Advice on best practice and integration with existing platforms
  • A full 'Deeper Dive' Report with analysis of 9 powerful AI tools
  • For businesses of all sizes with some IT skills and resources already

Advantages of our approach

Personalized advice for different AI tools that will benefit your business
Support if you need it, simple self-serve if you don’t
The latest information on AI so you can use the right tools in the future
We focus on the most effective tools for YOU, giving you a competitive advantage over other businesses
Prioritise and focus on particular business areas