Empowering Managers: Why AI Literacy is a Must in the Modern World

With over 20,000 AI applications available across different industries, managers are standing at the cusp of a revolution that demands an understanding of AI to remain relevant and competitive.

In the busy digital era we find ourselves in, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has ceased to be a mere buzzword; it is becoming the cornerstone for innovation in business. With over 20,000 AI applications available across different industries (according to a 2023 Gartner report), managers are standing at the cusp of a revolution that demands an understanding of AI to remain relevant and competitive. This article will delve into the burgeoning world of AI tools, the art of prompt engineering, practical AI tools for boosting productivity, and the emerging job roles birthed by the AI revolution.


The AI Tools Landscape

The expansion of AI tools is a testament to the technology’s rapid integration into so many platforms that drive business efficiency and growth. These tools range from simple automated analytics platforms to sophisticated machine learning algorithms capable of predictive modelling and complex problem-solving. The AI software market, valued at $62.5 billion in 2020, is expected to reach $126 billion by 2025 according to Statista. Managers today are expected not just to be aware of these tools but to be proficient in selecting and deploying them to enhance business operations.


Best Practice in Prompt Engineering

The advent of AI has brought with it a new form of interaction—prompt engineering. This is especially critical in the field of generative AI, where the output is directly shaped by the input provided, and learning the right way to get the best out of tools like ChatGPT is crucial. The nuances of crafting a well-engineered prompt include clarity, specificity, and context. For example, when querying an AI tool for market analysis, a well-engineered prompt would be: “Analyse customer sentiment towards electronic vehicles in the European market Q1 2023, considering environmental concerns.”. An even better prompt would add the persona you want the tool to adopt, give it context that you are working from (e.g. as an analyst researching trends in EVs), and get the tool to cite its sources and avoid making up facts (or ‘halucinating’ as it is called).


Tools Reshaping Productivity

When we examine specific AI tools that have revolutionised business tasks, we see a pattern of increased productivity and efficiency. Some example include the following tools which have quickly leveraged AI capabilities:

  • Asana’s AI Work Graph: This AI tool enables project managers to optimise workflows by predicting deadlines and suggesting task allocations based on team members’ workloads and performance history.
  • Zoom’s AI for Business Communications: With features like real-time transcription and meeting summaries, Zoom’s AI helps managers streamline meeting follow-ups and ensure clear communication.
  • Otter.ai for Note-taking: This AI-powered tool transforms conversations into searchable, shareable notes, enabling managers to focus on discussions rather than taking notes.
  • Notion AIIntegrated into the productivity and note taking app Notion, this AI tool allows for efficient summarising and generating of text, allowing you to edit and improve your notes directly inside notion with minimal effort.


Revolutionising Jobs

As AI continues to integrate into every aspect of business operations, and reshape what is possible, new job types and titles are emerging. Some of these may include:

  • Prompt Engineer: A specialist in working with AI platforms to get the best possible results, and avoid mistakes.
  • AI Strategy Consultant: Advisors who help businesses implement AI into their strategies effectively.
  • Conversational Designers: Specialists who craft the dialogue and experience for AI-based chatbots and virtual assistants.
  • AI Business Integration Lead: Professionals responsible for the seamless integration of AI tools into existing business practices.
  • Chief AI Ethics Officer: Executives who ensure that AI applications within a company comply with ethical standards and regulations.


As AI becomes more embedded in business operations, the onus is on managers to be more and more proficient in ‘speaking AI’. The explosion of AI tools has opened up a world of possibilities for increasing efficiency, enhancing productivity, and fostering innovation. However, it is only when businesses understand how to use these tools effectively can they truly harness their potential. With new job roles emerging in the wake of AI’s rise, there is a clear directive for current and aspiring managers: become AI-literate or risk obsolescence, or at the very least, a slower career path. One thing is already clear, the future of business is inextricably linked to AI, and managers must equip themselves with the knowledge and skills to navigate this new landscape successfully.
